Recurrent Yeast Infections - Is Your Medication Making Your Infections Worse- By: Stephania Plues

Description : Five percent of women worldwide have to put up with recurrent yeast infections at some point in their life. Although these infections seem to infect these women for along time, they can in fact be cured very quickly once you discover the cause.

The real reason why you're suffering from chronic Candida infections is the creams or the oral drugs you're using are not treating your infection from the cause. Your body is allowing the naturally occurring Candida to mutate into a fungus, and these drugs don't in any way address this problem.

Every healthy person has Candida living in their body. Nothing can prevent this organism from living there. What we can do is prevent the yeast from mutating into a fungus, and then this will end your nightmare of recurrent infections.

It's the body's natural ability to control the Candida that prevents healthy people from suffering from yeast infections. If you're using a cream to treat your infection and it keeps coming back all you're doing is making the fungus stronger.

As the fungus gets stronger it becomes resistant to the medication so you end up with a drug resistant yeast infection. These are extremely difficult to cure, and usually go beyond your doctor's help because your doctor can only prescribe more drugs. All that happens then is more drug resistant infections.

When you're suffering from recurrent Candida infections you need to stop them, and not feed them with more drugs. The only way to do this is to strengthen your body's natural defenses so the yeast no longer mutates in your body. You'll soon be infection free once you stop the mutating, and your good health will return.

Once you eliminate the fungus you'll also be healthier as it will slowly destroy your health because of the effect it is having on your body. As well as your external symptoms, the Candida fungus breeds in your intestines and affects your digestion. This is known as an intestinal yeast infection.

Recurrent yeast infections are difficult to treat because they start in the intestines. Most women don't even know that Candida is in their intestines, and they continue using creams on their external symptoms hoping to cure their infection. This never happens if the yeast is in the intestines.

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Author Resource : For more information on Natural remedy for Yeast infections visit Recurring Yeast Infections